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Playsongs on Stream
Select a book below to stream its audio free of charge - or use the drop down menu.

Playsongs and rhymes - the original songbook classic
72 playsongs and rhymes - the original bestseller. Fully illustrated book and audio stream with optional CD

Picture songbook of baby's active day
Baby's active day in 29 playsongs and rhymes. Full colour picture book and audio stream with optional CD.

Picture songbook of baby's restful day
29 playsongs and rhymes for restful times from morning till night. Full colour picture book and audio stream with optional CD.

Picture songbook for active grand days out
30 playsongs and rhymes for grandparents to share on days out with the grandbabies and toddlers. Full colour picture book and audio stream with optional CD.

Picture songbook for energetic grandparenting
34 energetic playsongs and rhymes for a grand bit of exercise with the littlies. Full colour picture book and audio stream with optional CD.

Picture songbook for all the family on visits
37 playsongs and rhymes from grand arrival to baby bedtimes. Full colour picture book and audio stream with optional CD.

Sleepy counting songs CD+booklet
21 playsongs and rhymes for counting fingers and toes, knees and nose. Booklet and audio stream and optional CD.

Lively counting songs CD+booklet
22 favourite counting playsongs and rhymes for under-fives. Booklet and audio stream with optional CD.

Lap games and lullabies CD+booklet
Lively games and restful lullabies from the long-running baby music group. Booklet and audio stream with optional CD.

Bounce and Rhymetime 1
A Playsongs session of interactive songs and rhymes specially chosen for libraries to share with babies and toddlers

Bounce and Rhymtime 2
A second session of interactive songs and rhymes from Playsongs specially chosen for libraries to share with babies and toddlers
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