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Playsongs baby music reviews

Why is music for babies and toddlers so good for them? Mums, dads, carers and Early Years Practitioners share their experiences and their Playsongs music reviews.

I'm so pleased to have found Playsongs... 

I've been looking for this CD for ages. When my daughter was small we had a tape, bought from Letterbox Library. My daughter now has two baby girls and we've been singing these songs to them since they were born. These lovely songs are weaved into their life... 

We're all looking forward to listening to the music - singing and dancing along

Hazel Tarragon

Playsongs grandparent

We love our recent purchase of Five Little Owls, My 3 year old knows most of the words and loves singing along!

I'm a musician from a family of musicians and my daughter has definitely inherited a love of performing! Its really hard to find children's CDs that are actually enjoyable to listen to over and over (which is how Lucy not only knows most of the words but which song comes next!) I run baby and toddler music class in our little town and we enjoy singing quite a few of the songs from the playsongs CD. The 5 Little Owls CD seems a bit more 'grown up', even my 6yo enjoys it. His favourite is the blackbird song, my daughter's is the owl song and mine is the goat song. There are definitely a few that'll work their way into my classes, I'm always on the lookout for quirky new songs.

Helen Purton

Baby Music leader

I set up my pre-school music classes business 17 years ago, for babies, toddlers and pre-school children, leading classes for children and their carers. I also lead music in schools and nurseries and have used the songs from Playsongs for 23 years, beginning with sharing them as a Mum with my own two children.

I absolutely love the songs and they are still as fresh as anything and bring a lot of pleasure to many many people through my classes. I lead the music live myself, using many of the songs interspersed with many others, but I have always sold the Playsongs Cds to my parents, so that they can enjoy singing along at home and in the car.

The songs are so relevant to their everyday lives and routines and they spark so much in language development, coordination, social skills………


I would really recommend Playsongs to anyone for a present for new parents, to playgroups, nurseries, teachers and of course the increasing number of grandparents who do their share of child minding. 

Music is a precious thing to share with children in their early years, nurturing them and supporting so many areas of their development, and taking them forward into their lives.

Julia Haigh, music group leader

Recommendation on Day Nurseries website 2015

So pleased to have discovered the Playsongs series. My two year old toddler absolutely loves singing along to the tunes, and we have enjoyed listening to her singing to herself in the back of the car.  It’s great to be able to use the free YouTube videos as a bit of quiet time if we are out and about, she keeps returning to the gentle Hedgehog video.  My 8 year old on the other hand, rather than feeling too old for the songs has taken control of the Counting cd and likes harmonising with Alice the Camel!

Ruth Buckingham

My daughter's baby session lost some Children's Centre funding and I had chance to take on the session doing what I did when she was little - now with my granddaughter! 

Went straight to the Playsongs books of course and we are on week 7. Loving it. Amazing to be doing it in a group of gorgeous babies with the mums (and grannies singing away) 


Thanks for all your music over the years - I now have chance to pass it round again.

I've been catching Nancy Kerr at folk festivals so good to see it happening in their family too!

Janet Wright, baby music leader

​Playsongs is guaranteed wholesome and good !

says Steve Grocott

Family friendly blogger, Lisa, writes...
If you have toddlers or babies then the Playsongs range of books and CD’s by Sheena Roberts are amazing. Edward and Euan have had so much fun over the last few weeks reviewing these. Each book has a CD in the back to accompany reading, singing and dancing along.  The 3 books are Playsongs, Sleepytime Playsongs, Livelytime Playsongs. The books have a story you can read and then all the words so you can sing along to the songs. This is great as it helps promote reading skills at such and early age.


Playsongs is great for babies and is full or nursery rhymes for babies and toddlers. The book is fab not only does it have the CD with songs on, it has the words, actions and role play ideas to make it even more fun. There are lots of ideas in there as well to help stimulate your babies and toddlers. The songs are split into several categories. I wont tell you a full list but some categories are Peeakabo games, Ticklers, Washing and dressing, Fingerplays. I found the prompts for the actions are fab I was always clueless what I was supposed to be doing as the parent. This book is more about the songs and words than a nice picture book for the kids. It all about creating actions and role play.

Livelytime Playsongs

Livelytime Playsongs, well the title speaks for itself. This book has great bright pictures in and lots of lively playtime songs. It has the CD that you can sing along to and again the songs are in categories. The categories are Wake Up, Dressing, Out and About, Playgroup, Shopping, Tea Time, Bed Time, Story time. And example of some songs and our favourites. Ring a ring a roses, I spy with my little eye, pat-a-cake. There are 29 songs in total. Like with playsongs it tells you the actions so you can teach the children as they grown and learn.

Sleepytime Playsongs

The sleepy time songs are great for bedtime routines they are not jut sleepy songs but the full routine. The categories are Time to wake, Nappy Time, Play Time, Midday, Out of Doors, Bath Time, Massage and Lullaby. AS you can see they cover the full day not just bedtime. We love some of the bath time songs. Like with the other books there are also prompts on actions you can do to make it more fun and interactive with your child.

We have had so much fun with these books and the fun just get better and better as the boys grow. These are books and songs that will grow with your children. You will go from singing and doing the actions to them joining in and then them singing along with you as well. These are such a great buy for parents or as a gift to a family you know.L

Mumdadplus4 review

by Lisa and sons

The Wheee Plop game: 

I LOVE this, it’s just my sort of activity! Thank you so much for many years of inspiration and quality songs, recordings and ideas.


Wendy Prevezer

Dear Playsongs,

Thank you for your wonderful music!

Love from


Fanmail from Toby

aged 3

Dear Playsongs, we originally discovered you twenty five years ago when our first child was born. Three children later, all five of us can remember all the words and most of the actions to the Playsongs CD. I would like to order two more Playsongs CDs and two of the Someone Special CD's a favourite of our "baby" who is now almost 15. Many thanks

Sandra Hardy

Warrington, UK

We bought the first three book+CDs on the products page for my (now) 9yr old and my 3 year old still listens to them so I was delighted to see you have some we don't own. I love the style and traditional songs.


​Our toddler loves the nursery rhymes she learns at nursery, but she applies the Playsongs we have sung with her since birth to her everyday life.

She walks down the street singing, 'Mummy took me out for a walk today...' then points 'look' at the things she sees. She plays the 'Bubbles' rhyme in the bath and sings the 'Swing song' when on the swings. She even makes her own swing for her toys and sings the song as she swings them. And at night time she sings 'All the pretty little horses' to soothe herself to sleep.

Isla's mum

We bought the first three book+CDs on the products page for my (now) 9yr old and my 3 year old still listens to them so I was delighted to see you have some we don't own. I love the style and traditional songs.


Sounds great re the new playsongs CD - have been recommending to parents/practitioners on various courses and projects.

Anni McTavish

Combining two of a baby/toddler’s sources of joy, music and play, this book offers both in a shared experience for adult and baby.  Music appreciation, performance and composition are all there and I have very fond memories of marching around my sister’s kitchen with my nephews creating our own rhythmic percussive soundscape with pans and spoons to Charlie is beating a drum.  It is my first  gift choice to welcome in all the new  arrivals in my family and circle of friends!

Suzanne Mulqueen


I would absolutely definitely recommend Playsongs to all mums and dads. My little girl and I are now in our second term and it is our favourite class of the week. I love it for so many reasons....I am not musical myself yet I can now happily and confidently spend time singing with my little girl. We now have a huge bank of songs to sing and act out together in nearly every aspect of day to day life and they always raise a smile for both of us. All of this is done in a relaxed yet structured session whilst creating memories with my little one to treasure!

Hayley Garnsworthy

attends Baby Playsongs Sherborne

I love the little group, everyone is so welcoming. Charlie and Isla are amazing, we are able to relax and let the children discover the musical instruments, I look forward to attending this group again when the new term begins x

Kari Margetts

attends Baby Playsongs Sherborne

Evalyn and I attended Playsongs in Sherborne for a half term and loved every session. Evalyn loved getting involved with the musical instruments and learning new songs each week. The group is relaxed, friendly and supportive and Charlie is fantastic :) thank you x

Rebecca Andrew

attends Baby Playsongs Sherborne

My parents always sang with me and my siblings. All of us joined choirs and engaged in musical activities as children and have continued to enjoy music as adults. I have enjoyed a rewarding teaching career as a classroom teacher and as a music teacher. Research shows the importance of musical engagement with babies and young children. PLAYSONGS provide a wonderful resource of songs and rhymes that babies to adults will enjoy sharing. Thank you Sheena.

Carole Thomas

Teacher and music teacher

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