I remember 'stotting' the ball in my Scottish school playground. The song we used was 'One two three a-leary' and the game was to bounce the ball as you sang the numbers. On 'a-leary' you had to stot - bounce - the ball under one raised leg, while balancing on the other. We included the song in our lively counting collection: Five Little Frogs. But for little babes-on-knees we changed the very last line, so we could use the song as a leg-walker with an action at the end.
Take your baby or toddler onto your knee and with an ankle in each of your hands, walk baby's feet to the counting beat. On the very last line, do as the action suggestions. For an added bit of fun, sing the original last line 'Over ball', and lift baby high up in the air and back down for a cuddle in your lap.
Kevin Graal performs the song, and you'll find it and all its counting fellows in Five Little Frogs. Stream it here
Click here to buy the CD album.