Catch him crow is an energetic, exciting lift. It's a joy for a confident little baby or toddler.
Swoop baby up (‘Catch him crow’); fly baby above your head (‘Carry him kite’); step round on the spot, bobbing baby in time to the rhyme (‘Take him away till the apples are ripe’); swoop baby back down and drum your palms on the floor (‘Down comes baby, apples and all’).
Catch him crow is one of the rhymes from Livelytime Playsongs ~ a collection designed to brighten any moment of a baby or toddler's day. It will help to banish the grumps, giggle instead, and to fuel the energy of the day together.
Stream the audio (track 3) here: https://www.playsongs.co.uk/stream-livelytime-playsongs
Performed by Leon Rosselson and Playsongs People; illustrations by Rachel Fuller; © Playsongs Publications