Playsongs special offers and group discounts
Baby clothes last a few weeks. Songs last a lifetime. Spread the song and rhyme time fun with our special offers and discounts. We also make donations of our titles to community organisations such as Sure Start.

Welcome new baby
Celebrate a new baby with the perfect gift for a new mum, dad or grandparent. Here's a present to welcome the new arrival and help with sleepy times. Order our Welcome New Baby collection, price £10.99, and receive a Sleepytime Playsongs book+CD pack and a Five Little Owls CD - all with free audio streaming. We can send your gift to you or direct to the new baby with a message from you ~ either way it's free P+P!
Just go to the shop to order.

Special discount for music group leaders
We offer a special discount to music group leaders who would like to sell Playsongs to their music group participants.
Contact to discuss.
Sure Start Centres and Rhyme Time Libraries
We freely donate our books and audio to organisations such as Sure Start and volunteer-run libraries. Please contact us at if you would like to discuss receiving a donation.