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Playsongs blog ~ where we share songs, news and views
Our Playsongs blog regularly features a favourite baby and toddler song or rhyme. We relate stories from our contributors and followers about their favourite songs, and tell you the stories behind the songs.
Sheena at Playsongs
Valentine's Day Lavender and Roses
Valentine's day Lavender and Roses for sleepy babies and toddlers. An ancient song of affection and companionship.
Sheena at Playsongs
Gingerbread man ~ counting rhyme
A thumb chase for baby, a knee bouncer for a toddler, a brain teaser counting rhyme for a child. It's all here in the Gingerbread man chase.
Sheena at Playsongs
The Sweet Potatoes song
Cook up some teatime excitement with the Sweet Potatoes song for starters. When dinner's done, scoop up baby and dance a second helping.
Sheena at Playsongs
Fruit Salad baby game
A fruity raspberry to blow on baby's tummy and a great recipe for giggles.
Sheena at Playsongs
Dance to your Daddy
Lightly dance a little baby on your knee or on your shoulder to the rhythm of this favourite Northumbrian dandling song, Dance to your Daddy
Sheena at Playsongs
Why Playsongs? Songs and interactive rhymes to soothe or stimulate tots and toddlers
Why do songs and rhymes matter? Fundamentally, it's because they're interactive, and perfect for sharing time together.
Sheena at Playsongs
Dad's lullaby
A dad's lullaby specially written by Sandra Kerr as a gift to dads, taking their share of the night shift. Sandra’s words and melody are...
Sheena at Playsongs
Picking up the daisies
It's No-Mow-May and there are so many daisies ~ plenty to pick for a daisy chain ~ or just enjoy sitting among them as you play that old...
Sheena at Playsongs
A little frog
It's spring time with this fingerplay teaser to surprise a little baby, or it's a whole-body action game for a toddler or little child.
Sheena at Playsongs
My Great Gran's a Dancer
Leon Rosselson's dancing great gran, waltzes up a happily twirling image of her, hand in hand with her great grandchild dancing together.
Sheena at Playsongs
Catch him crow
Swoop baby up in a high lift (Catch him crow) and fly baby away till the apples are ripe.
Sheena at Playsongs
Five Little Owls ~ counting song
Five little owls dance through the night. Here's a babe-in-arms dance, finger play for toddlers, and counting song for little children.
Sheena at Playsongs
We love baby ~ (Skip to my lou)
Here is a love song to focus for a moment our attention on rocking, soothing, nurturing our little babies.
Sheena at Playsongs
One two three a-leary
I remember 'stotting' the ball in my Scottish school playground. The song we used was 'One two three a-leary' and the game was to bounce...
Sheena at Playsongs
Let's make a cake!
Let's make a cake - pretend or real - with this game song from Playsongs Grand Exercise. Stir in all your children's wildest imaginings.
Sheena at Playsongs
Pop pop pop ~ back to nursery
Pop the poppers and zip the zips for a jump up and go start to the nursery day.
Sheena at Playsongs
Tommy Whoops
A fingerplay of fun for a little baby. The dexterity and word skills for playing it themselves will come as they grow.
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